Saturday, January 26, 2013

Eat More Fruit

Y'all, this is going to sound silly, but if you're anything like me, it will make perfect sense!

I love fruit. All kinds. I buy it at the store in mass quantities then bring it home with dreams of eating fruit for days, leave it in the packaging it comes in (or in it's actual form like cantaloupe and watermelon) and then a week or two later I find it, almost untouched, rotting in my refrigerator and end up tossing it over my porch into compost heaven somewhere in the woods.

I have wasted so much money doing this I don't even want to think about it.

So I started getting creative in ways of storing my fruit. I've found that if I pre-rinse all my berries together or pre-cut things like watermelon or pineapple and store them in a glass jar or tupperware then I usually eat almost, if not all, of the fruit that I bought for the week because they're more easily accessible for snacking on. Other plus? It also looks cleaner than storing them in the packages they came in.

Seems too simple, but sometimes we don't always think of the simplest things, right?

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