Friday, February 22, 2013

Twine Hanging "Shelf"

I lose my remotes daily. They get lost under my bed, on my bed, on my desk, essentially anywhere a remote can get lost, I've lost it there. I live in a small apartment so I don't have a whole lot of space for furniture, so I thought about making a small hanging "shelf" since it's a lot cheaper than buying a wooden shelf.

All I used was a little tin, twine and a hot glue gun!

I glued the twine down and each time I wrapped it around I would add a line of glue for reinforcement.

In total it took about 30 minutes of patience (I mean, it's a lot of doing the exact same thing haha).

Then.... Wahlah! Finished product.

I tied ribbon on the handles to hang it and added a little line of pearl beads to add a little extra character. Now my remotes have a happy home, and I'm hoping I won't lose them (as much) anymore!

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